
izzi is a streaming application that allows you to stream movies from a local network server. The app queries data from the TMDb API (https://www.themoviedb.org/) and uses that information to categorize and provide a better user interface for accessing your movies.

Code snippet - Movie Analyzer

The izzi movie analyzer will look through every movie in a specified folder and attempt to find data relating to it from the TMDB API. It attempts to find:

  • Clean title

  • Genres

  • Cover Art

  • Description

Once it’s found these, it then populates an SQLite database which can then be accessed from the izzi frontend through API requests to the node server. The movies can then be more easily browsed through a Netflix-like interface in which movies are separated by genre and can be searched for more quickly and with a better interface.

Once the node.js server is started, anyone on the local area network can browse and stream any of your movies.


Game Design